FASHIONPHILE Wholesale bags are sourced with purpose, and authenticated with care. After decades of dealing luxury goods, our ability to find the best vintage items goes unmatched. We search the globe, drawing from strong relationships with international auction houses, distributors and retailers to ensure the best value for our clients.
Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Chloe, Chanel and Dior. We hand-pick core items from the most sought-after fashion houses.
Our in-house authentication team has decades of experience verifying luxury goods. We are diligent in using newly emerged technology and the latest practices..
Authentication GuideOur head authenticator has validated over 100,000 luxury goods with a perfect track record.

Before purchase, we screen items from a pool of trusted suppliers who have already conducted their own pre-screen.
Items are then quality inspected and authenticated by a FASHIONPHILE Wholesale team member before being passed on to a second authenticator.
We use digital image-recognition technology to ensure a bag’s authenticity. Just to make sure.
Our team is hands-on. After purchase, we remain constantly available for any questions or enquiries regarding authenticity.

How we ensure
a bag is authentic?
1 Stitching
Leather, canvas or lining are properly placed and have aged correctly.
2 Finishes
Materials have aged as intended.
3 Details
Micro-dotted patterns are aligned and centred. Logos are even.
4 Smell
The interior smells of rich materials.